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US Senator warns Against the high risk in cryptocurrency


U.s senator Sherrod Brown warns that cryptocurrency put a normal American citizen hard earn money at risk and also addressed the Defi network as a shady act for money laundering.
While speaking during an interview statement titled “Cryptocurrencies: What are they good for?”

Expressing that numerous digital assets, namely cryptocurrencies, stable coins, and investment tokens, have poured into the markets since bitcoin came online, the senator from Ohio saying that they are all not real dollars and he thinks the blockchain technology is not what is needed to move the financial sector forward.

The senator also commented about decentralized finance, stating that defi schemes hope to create a system of visionless and rule less and saying that cryptocurrency promises to bring transparency to the financial sector but believes all are lies and he doesn’t think that is possible but he addresses the cryptocurrency scheme as a shady diffuse network with a funny money strategy that can’t be democratic or transparent.

Nonetheless, the recent lack of trust in the banking sector during this recent time and people reference Blockchain technology as a means to win back the financial sector from the Wall Street Bankers. However, The Senator from Ohio doesn’t see cryptocurrency as the solution to the problem in the sector and as address the financial sector to look for other solutions and place their trust in shady diffuse networks to help create transparency.

This was the comment of Senator Sherrod Brown on cryptocurrency and believes that Americans who have invested in cryptocurrency are going to lose their hard-earn money and think this all scams and plead with Americans to shy away from the scheme.

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